Hives Treatment

Hives Treatment

Identify the Cause

Similar to allergic reactions, the first step to treatment is to identify the cause so that you can take steps to avoid it.

When the cause is allergic and can be identified, these are the common sources which cause hives:


  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Nuts
  • Shellfish
  • Chocolate
  • Tomatoes


  • Penicillin
  • Anesthetic
  • Vancomycin
  • Codeine and similar painkillers


  • Sunlight
  • Cold temperatures
  • Infections
  • Insect bites
  • Physical (touch, as in the case of dermatography)

Unfortunately in many cases, a direct cause will not be identifiable. In these cases, it is difficult to avoid the source that induces the hives. If, however, you find a pattern in when hives do flare, you can do some guesswork and identify probable causes. Changing your routine can thus help reduce its occurrence.


If the cause of hives is known, then management consists of avoiding the cause as much as possible. If, like most cases, the cause cannot be identified, you may need to manage flares using antihistamines, as they can counteract the histamine-induced rashes that occur in hives. Unfortunately, there is no cure to hives, but in most cases, they are a short-term problem as they tend to disappear within 6 weeks after coming and going. If the condition lasts longer, have your doctor examine you for other causes.

  • Antihistamines can quickly relieve itching
  • Adrenalin injections can help suppress severe reactions

No treatment "cures" hives, but only suppress it for the time being

© hives.ca 2012